Punane kleit andis mulle satsidega hoo sisse ja ega ma siis enam pidama ei saa.
20 tokki tumesinist Drops Loves You 7 lõnga ootas juba suvest saadik. Heegelnõel nr 3 sisse ja läks!
Et mingi inspiratsioon mustri osas tööle hakkaks kammin oma põhjatuid Pinteresti albumeid ja mõne liniku muster annabki selle esimese otsa kätte, aga edasi tuleb juba kõik ise. Kui praegu peaks leidma selle konkreetse mustri kust ma selle kleidi kaelaosaks idee sain, siis otsiks ma seda ilmselt ikka väga kaua. Kas siiski leiaks.
The latest red dress gave me the feeze of frills and so I just kept on going.
20 skeins of dark blue Drops Loves You 7 yarn was waiting from this summer. Crochet hook no 3 and ready, steady , go! To get the inspiration about the pattern I comb my bottomless folders of Pinterest and some doily chart usually gives me the idea. The rest comes itself. If I had to find the "original" pattern of the collar pattern idea I´d probably had to search for veeery long.
Alustasin niisiis kaelaaugust ja hakkasin allapoole tulema. Mustrid sündisid ise. Volangide muster on tuletatud kaelaaugu mustrist.
Volangide all on fileetehnikas võrk.
It is crocheted from up to down. The patterns were born on the way. The pattern of the flounce is similar to the collar part.
Below the flounces is filet-technique net.
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Selle Manni seljas tuletab mulle see kleit kangesti meelde ühte tualeti mida kandis Lady Cora Downton Abbey´s. Aga küllap mul seostub ikka kõik Downton Abbey´ga...
Worn by my Manny the dress very much reminds me one outfit Lady Cora from Downton Abbey wore. But I guess everything still reminds me of Downton Abbey...
Lõnga kulus lõpuks vist kuskil 16-17 tokki, enam ei mäletagi täpselt.
Pole ka kleiti kaalule pannud. Eks ta ikka kilo ringis ole.
Mulle teatud määral meeldib just see etapp tööst kui ma jõuan nende volangide tegemiseni. Kui muster on paigas, siis enam pole vaja mõelda, et kuidas ma nüüd kahandan-kasvatan...millise kaare või augu ma kuhugi jätan. Lihtsalt heegeldan. Mulle ikka meeldib tegelikult see rutiin kui on vaja lihstalt uhada. Mõelda ja kujundada enam pole tarvis.
I guess it took about 16-17 skeins of yarn. Can´t remember anymore.
Havent weighed the dress eithe. But it has to be around kilo.
I actually love the part where the flounce pattern is clear and there is no need to think anymore where to increase or decrease and where to leave an hole or arc. Just crochet. I love the routine where I don`t have to think and design anymore. Just to bundle off with the hook.
See toretsev volangidisain ja samas see tuhm, läiketa puuvill annavad omapärase vastuolulise kontrasti kogu sellele kleidile.
Uhkete aksessuaaridega on õhtukleit heleda voodri ja eheteta lihtsalt volüümikas suvekleit.
Aga sellest teine kord.
The over-the-edge flounce-design and this dim lusterless cotton leave an interesting contradictional contrast for the dress.
With lush jewerly and accessiories it is definately an evening gown, but with light lining and no jewelry it might very well be just a summer dress with volume.
But about that some other time.
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Tänud taaskord Merlinile!
Thank you again, Merlin!
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