
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuharoosa retk 1920-ndatesse / Ash rose trip to the 1920`s

See lõng jäi mulle näppu taas värvi pärast. Selline mahe ja pehme ja ilma läiketa tuharoosa. Tuli teine jälle minuga poest kaasa. Nimi on Cotton ja rohkem infot lõngakrael ei olegi. Ma ei teagi kelle toode.
Oli teist ka imelist mündirohelist värvi, aga ärge jookske - see on otsas.

Kodus ronis lõng kohe heegelnõelale ja roosa hakkas ise ennast lilledeks moodustama. Ma ei saanud midagi parata. Kui lillemotiivide rida valmis, siis tekkis sinna külge selline romantiline kleit. Mustrid tulid kosmosest ikka jälle ise.

This yarn came home with me because of the colour again. So soft and mild ashy rose. The name is Cotton, no other information is available on the label. So I don´t even know who´s is it. There was also one incredible mint green shade but no need to hurry buying it - it´s out of stock.

Well, at home the ash rose one climbed on my crochet hook right away and flower motifs started to come. I couldn´t help it. Later a romantic dress somehow attached itself to the motifs. The pattern came from the space again.

Ajastutruuks aksessuaariks sai lisatud ka samas toonis kübar.
Kõrvarõngad on antiiksest vasktraadist punutud , vintage navette kivide ja kristallidega.

The 1920´s style hat is proper accessory to stress out the era look.
The earrings are antique copper wire wrapped with vintage navette stones and crystals.

Kleit sai imepehme ja langev, ootab kangesti täispikkuses voodrit endale. Eks tal tuleb ilmselt kaua oodata.

The dress is extremely soft and falling. Waiting for the full lenght lining. I guess it has to wait for a while though.