See bambuslõng, millest viimane lumivalge kleit valmis, on tekitanud palju huvi. Seega otsustasin võtta selle pingsamalt luubi alla.
Räägin lõngast Alize Bamboo Fine. Türgi päritolu.
See valge meeldis mulle nii väga, et marssisin kindlal sammul poodi seda mitmes värvitoonis juurde soetama. Lõngakasti ees aga valdas mind teatud pettumus, sest värvikaart ei vastanud tegelikkuses ikka üldse minu ootustele. Roosa oli kuidagi lahja, mingi mereroheline oli lausa jube ja punane ei olnud punane ja kollane polnud kollane. Ainult üks roheline oli ilus särav toon kui juhtumisi selline muru/õuna roheline peaks meeldima.
Niisiis ma seal kasti ees sügasin edasi-tagasi ja haarasingi lõpuks selle igava valiku - halli.
The bamboo yarn I used for my latest white dress has risen a lot of attention. Hence I decided to take it into focus.
I am talking about the yarn Alize Bamboo Fine. Turkish.
I loved the white one so much I decided to get a lot of it in every colour. But standing in front of the yarn box there in the store I got a bit disappointed. Namely the colour chart was absolutely different what I had expected. The pink was too pale, the seagreen was totally ugly. Red wasnt red, yellow wasnt yellow. Only one shiny green colour was pretty if you happen to like apple or grass green shade.
So there I stood in front of the yarn selection and finally chose the most boring one - gray.
So there I stood in front of the yarn selection and finally chose the most boring one - gray.
Pehme on ta küll. Imepehme.
Ja nagu lõngavöögi kiidab, siis tervislik ja antibakteriaalne!
100 grammis on 440 meetrit.
Lisaks on mõned kirjud batika stiilis kombinatsioonid. Mulle selline kirju ei meeldi, aga tütar arvas, et just see on tal täielikust õnnest puudu.
Valisime mündi-roosa-lilla-halli segu.
It is soft. So soft.
And as the yarn label sais: healthy, natural and antibacterial!
100 grams includes 440 meters.
There are also some colourful batik style combinations. I do not like the colourful version very much but my daughter was absolutely sure that this is all that is missing from the total happiness.
We chose mint-pink-lilac-gray mixture.
Lõng on korrutamata, selline multikiuline. Heegeldada on veidi ebamugav aga tulemus on seda väärt.
The yarn is thiskind multistrand that makes it a bit difficult to crochet. But the outcome outweighs the hassle.
Lõnga tarbmine kipub mul olema LIFO meetodil. (last in first out) Ehk siis ikka see läheb varrastele, mis viimasena koju saab. Nii juhtus ka selle kirjuga.
Seega varem ostetud lõngakuhjad hakkavad peagi eluohtlikke mõõte võtma, aga see kõige viimane saab kõik tähelepanu.
Consumption of yarn tends to go by the LIFO method. (last in first out). That is the last yarn that I take home goes right away on the pins. So happened with the coloured one.
Therefor the previous piles of yarn start to take life harming format while the very last gets all the attention.
Ikka jälle kleit. Seekord siis tütrele.
Tänaseks on valmis. Esmane kvaliteedikontroll on läbitud. Keerutab!
Pildid vaja veel teha.
Again a dress. For my daughter this time.
Today it is finished and preliminary quality check is done. Twirls!
Photos need to be done.
Bambusejutu lõpuks aga hoopis maasikatest. Valmivad. Iga päev on paar marja noppida. Magusad.
Suvi kestab. Praegu küll ainult südames ja maasikates.
To end the bamboo story something about strawberries. They mellow. I have every day at least few berries to pick. Sweet.
Summer continues. Currently only in my heart and in the strawberries though.