
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Kleit pikemaks / Extention of a dress

Eelmine aasta heegeldasin selle kleidi.
Mulle ei andnud aga see lollakas pikkus rahu. Ei meeldi see pikkus.
Sellest on SIIN juttu ka.

Last year made this dress. But the stupid length didnt leave me alone. I just did not like it.
The post abot the dress is HERE

Niisiis kerisin niiti juurde. See oligi kõige suurem töö, sest tegemist on imepeenikese niidiga, mida ma võtan kolmekordselt ja siis ka heegeldan nr 2 nõelaga.
Kõige viimase rea tõmbasin üles ja mis raketiteadust seal enam - kukkusin pikkusesse uhama.
Sain teise maani - nüüd on ilusam. Vähmalt mulle meeldib nii rohkem.

So I clewed some more yarn. Which came out to be the most demanding job in this project as the yarn is extremely thin and I use it threefold and even then use crochet hook no 2.
I ravelled the last row and no rocket science there anymore- just continued the simple pattern to the length. Now it is full-length and I like it this way so much better!

Sai teine ikka väga lai. Alt on täiskloss. 

Now it is very wide. The edge at the foot of the dress is full circle.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Taas punast / Again red

Tütar käis talvest saadik nagu uni peale, et tal on hädasti vaja punast pikka kleiti suurte paksude lilledega. Ega minul ju heegelnõel nagunii koguaeg pihku kleebitud, seega mul muudkui pudenes. Aga kuhu ta sellega nüüd läheb? Ta ise väitis, et läheb sellega sügisel kooli.

My girl insisted she needed a long red dress with big flowers on it. So as I have a crochet hook glued to my hand anyway so I just had to go with the flow. But the question is where is she going to go with it now? She claimed she will go to school with it in autumn.

Tegemist siis taas puuvillase Camilla lõngaga. 100% puuvill. Heegelnõel nr 3,5 ja muster nii nagu torust tuli. Ülevalt alla, lilled vahele ja edasi suunaga ülevalt alla.

The yarn is again Camilla, 100% cotton. The crochet hook was 3,5 and the pattern was born on its way. From up to downwards then flowers and downwards again.

Kleit sai minu hinnangul liiga pikk. Aga lühemaks ei lubata teha. Just sedasi lohisema peab.
Ühesõnaga ega sellega eriti käia ka ei saa. 

In my opinion the dress is too long but I have no permit to make it shorter. It has to skid this way.
So basicly you cant walk with it.

Aga noor daam ise on väga rahul. 

Well, the young lady herself is very content.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Sirelid ja bambus / Lilacs and bamboo

Mulle väga need kirjud üleminekuga lõngad ei meeldi, aga tütar valis selle endale. Ja nüüd see kombinatsioon hakkab mulle tasapisi aina enam ja enam meeldima.
Üks kleit sellest juba sündis, millest juttu SIIN , aga see läks hingusele. Ja samast lõngast sündis uus.

I actually dont like very much the batik style colourful yarns, but my daughter picked it out.
And now I am starting to like the colour combination somehow more and more.
Iactually made one dress of this yarn once already. I talk about it HERE
I ravelled it. And made a new one.

Seekordne variant on lihtsam ja vähema mustriga, sest see värvikirevus annab nagunii kõvasti aktsenti. 

This time the pattern is simpler and less complicated. The colourful yarn gives its own accent anyways.

Bambus on imepehme ja langev. Ja mis muidugi tüdrukule oluline - see keerutab!

The bamboo yarn is heavenly soft and falling. And which is extremely important for my girl - it twirls!

Ja sireline sai ta nüüd küll. Las õitseb ka siis kui need kaunid õied on oma selle suvehaku kaunistamise lõpetanud. 
Teadlased prindivad tänapäeval juba 3D inimorganeid ja keegi ei suuda nüüd aretada sirelit, mis õitseks terve suve!?

It came out lilaceous indeed. Let it bloom after the real lilacs have finished their blooming job for this year.
I wonder how the scientists have been able to print out 3D human organs but they cannot breed a lilac that blooms the whole summer?!