Täpselt aasta tagasi oli aktuaalne teema - mida türele lasteaialõpupeole selga panna.
Mäletan, et minule õmbles ema täpilisest kangast pluusi ja seeliku, mis olid kaunistatud sik-sak paelaga. Mäletate sellist paela? Juuksed kammiti kenasti triiki ja valged põlvikud jalga.
Tänapäeval see nii enam ei käi. Ettevalmistused algavad juba kuid enne - sukad, kingad, kleit. Ööpäev enne tuleb tegeleda soenguga. Hea, et meik ja spreipäevitus ära jäid!
Mis pulmadega veel tuleb??
Seekord tuli mul taas heegeldada kleit. Või noh, mina otsustasin, et tuleb heegeldatud kleit. Ma lihtsalt keeldun neid "torte" poest ostmast.
Exactly a year ago I had one important problem to solve for my daughter - what to wear at kindergarten graduation.
I remember my mom sewed me a simple polka dot blouse and skirt with zig-zag ribbon decorations. It was one popular ribbon during soviet times. And the party look was achieved by a simple hair-do and white bobby-sox.
Nowadays it is not so simple anymore. The preparations start months before - pantyhose, shoes, dress. 24h before begin the preparations for the hairdo. I am lucky that the make-up and spray tan did not raise under question!
What will happen when she`ll get married??
This time I had to crochet a dress. OK, I decided that I crochet a dress. I simply refuse to buy those "layer-cakes" from the shop.
Lõng on see tavaline Maxi heegelniit. Kulus vist ca 3 kera.
Mustrit hakkasin lihtsalt tegema. Tuli selline nagu tuli. Kuskilt maha lugeda lihtsalt ei viitsinud. Mul on tihti nii, et tahaks juba hirmsasti heegeldama hakata ja siis ei viitsi enam mingeid mustrikatalooge lapata. Hakkan kohe lihtsalt pihta.
Tha yarn is the usual Maxi crochet yarn. If I remember correctly I used approx. 3 skeins. The pattern just somehow came out. I have often this way that I so urgently want to start crocheting that I have no time to flip through my crochet pattern catalogues. So I just get to it and it turns out somehow.
Pihta hakkasin keskelt. Ülemine osa keskelt üles ja alumine osa keskelt alla.
Mõõduks tegin jupi ketti valmis ja proovisin millal ümber naba läheb. Nii ta alguse sai.
Started from the middle. The upper part is crocheted waist up and the skirt part is waist down.
For measurment I crocheted a piece of chain and just tried when it was enough to circle the navel.
So it started.
Mulle tundub, et pikkust sai liiga palju, aga tüdruk just nii tahtis. Mina lubjakana enam ei tea mis eelteistmelistel moes on. Tuleb välja, et ülespoole põlvi sakib sajaga.
Aga nagu ikka - seelik peab keerutama.
For me it seems the dress came out a bit too long. But my girl especially insisted this lenght. I am indeed to old to know the fashiontrends of pre-teens. I found out that skirts shorter than knee-length suck big times!
But main thing - the skirt must twirl.
Need pildid siin on tehtud nüüd aasta hiljem.
Tähtpäeval käis kleidi juurde rullisoeng ja kontsaga kingad. Nii lihtsalt pidi, mul polnud mittemingit sõnaõigust.
Kleit pälvis muidugi rohkem tähelepanu teiste emade silmis. Sõbranjede jaoks polnud see "makramee" piisavalt puhvis. Õnneks sai plika lained lüüa oma kontsakingadega. (milledega ta minumeelest nagu väike vanainimene välja nägi - ag noh mida mina tean!)
Tüdruk ise oli siiski päris rahul.
Those pictures here are taken a year later. At the party-day there were also curlers hairdo and high heel shoes. It just had to be this wa , I had no say.
The dress was noticed by other moms more than friends of course. For the girls there were just too little layers. At least she starred with her high heel shoes. (with what in my humble opinion she looked like a small old-person, but what do I know!)
My girl herself was luckily content enough.