
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Midagi teistmoodi / Something different

Kohutavalt pikk paus on sisse tulnud. Aga selmet halada sel teemal lähen pigem kohe edasi.

Suvi on lõpuks käes. See palavus teeb küll veidi liiga aga see on teine teema. 
Tüdruk on suuremaks kasvanud ja kaua sa talle neid nukukleite ikka heegeldad. Aeg milleksi teistsuguseks.
Vanalinna Jolleri poest leidsin Ukrainlaste puuvilla. Igavesti mõnus lõng. Selline läiketa naturaalne ja pehme. On teine üsna peenike, aga ma lõin nimme just 2,5 heegelnõela sinna sisse, siis jääb paremini langema. 
Mõeldud tehtud!

It´s been an extremely long break here. But instead of ranting about it I will better go on.

Summer is finally here. The heat drains me though but it is another topic.
My girl has grown up meanwhile and  it seems it is about time to make her something different than the doll-like dresses.
From old-town Joller shop I found ukrainian cotton yarn. Very nice yarn. Without any gloss, natural and soft. It is pretty thin though but I used hook no 2,5 so it will fall better.
Thought and done!

Keskele motiivid ja siis sealt üles ja alla.
Kaelaauguga oligi kõige rohkem mõtlemist. Sest sellisel pükstükil tuleb ju kaelaaugust sisse ronida ja seega peab see piisavalt avar olema. Tüdruk ise tahtis selliseid lahtiseid õlgu ja lahendus oligi käes.

Motifs in the middle and then up andd down from there. 
The upper neckline part was the trickiest. Namly this is the hole you have to crawl in. Hence it has to be big enough. Well my daughter chose those open shoulders so there it was resolved.

Sellel puuvillasel lõngal loomulikult mittemingit venivust ei ole. Niisiis sai õlaääred ühe Alize stretch lõngaga üle tehtud. Nüüd ei lotenda.

The cotton yarn does not stretch at all. Hence I crocheted the shoulderline over with Alize stretch yarn so it keeps nicely around the shoulders.

Nüüd ujumisriided alla ja randa minek!

Swimsuit underneath and to the beach we go!

* * *

Seesama ukrainlaste lõng mulle kangesti meeldib ja see nüüd veel mul konksu all olnud.
Üks tuunika ka sündis.

I like the ukrainian yarn so much so it has been under my hook some more.
One tunic was also born.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Parim disainer on juhus / The best designer is random chance

Ma muudkui räägin, et Dropsi Cotton Merino on mu lemmiklõng. Eks ta üsna nii ongi ja seega seda ikka koguneb. Korvitäis oli seda kogunenud erinevaid värve,  poolikuid ja üksikuid tokke.
Võtsin käsile ja kukkusin heegeldama.

I constantly claim that Drops Cotton Merino is my favourite yarn. So it seems to be. I had a basket full of Cotton Merino leftovers. So I decided to start crocheting.

Ega ma poleks ise osanudki selliseid värve kokku panna. Juhus pani.
Juhus on hea disainer.

I wouldnt have known to choose such colours myself. It was totally random. And it seems to be the best designer.

Isegi külgepandud varrukad said täitsa kenasti külge pandud.Heegeldatud, eriti pitsilise heegeldatud pinna puhul on see ikka paras peavalu. Minu trikk on ääred enne õmblemist kinnissilmustega üle heegeldada.

Even the sleeves got attachet pretty good. In case of crochet pieces it is usually pretty big pain in the butt. My secret is that I crochet the edges of the pieces before sewing.