
Monday, November 28, 2016

Punane uueks / The renewal of the red

See satsiline punane kleit sündis juba suvel.

The frilly red dress was actually born already in summer

Aga ega seda satsihunnikut ikka ainult peenikesed õlapaelad üleval ei suutnud hoida. Seega tekkis vajadus teha kleidi ülaosa toekamaks. Millegipärast said võitu jälle augud ja kellukas-varrukad.
Ja sündiski natuke nagu täitsa uus kleit. Nüüd jaksab toekam ülaosa ka seda satsikuhja üleval hoida.

But the thin ribbons on the shoulders didn`t have the strenght to keep the frilly-pile up. Hence there was a need to make the top part of the dress a bit more bearing. Somehow the holes in front and back and the bellflower-sleeves came to me again.
Well and a tiny bit like a new dress was born again. And the "stronger" top of the dress has the strenght now to keep the whole thing together.

Manni kaelas ilutseb rikkalik vintage kaelakee Vivrut Jewelry pühade kollektsioonist.

Manny wears vintage style statement necklace from Vivrut Jewelry holiday collection.

Kaelaauku passib hästi ka see Vivrut Jewelry punane kaelaehe.

Also this red Vivrut Jewelry necklace is perfect to the round neck-hole.

Ja täpselt sama värvi punane peenmeriino kootud pits-õlasall.

And exactly the same colour fine-merino lace knitted shawl.

Seljal on samuti ümmargune auk ja kuklal seos.

Round hole also on the back and crochet chain tie on the nape.

Aitäh ilus Merlin!
Vähe sellest, et Merlin on taaskord imeline modell on tal ka hõbedane hääl ja ka oma kitarrist suudab ta häält välja võluda.
Tema tegemistel lihtsalt peab silma peal hoidma siin: muusik Merlin Purge

Thank you beautiful Merlin!
Merlin is not only a great model but she also has the most wonderful singing voice and she also can tame her guitar.
You just have to check her out right here: musician and singer Merlin Purge


  1. wow! those jewelries are so beautiful.I really love Tanzanite beacause it's deep blue shade is so beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Fashion Trends!
      You can find more of my jewelry in Facebook:
      Vivrut Jewelry
