
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Praktilised sisustuselemendid / Practical home decor elements

Paksust nöörist vaipu ja korve on nii mõnus vorpida, sest nr. 12 heegelnõelaga on teised vaid nuusata.
Ja paljunevate lõngade hoiustamiseks on ju muudkui uusi anumaid vaja. Nüüd aga sai heegeldatud korvid hoopis kannide kogumiseks. Vedelesid teised pidevalt mööda põrandat laiali. Kuigi ega nüüdki olukord parem pole. Pildistamise ajaks sai lelud korraks korvi...
It is so great to crochet baskets and rugs from thick rope because with crochet hook no. 12 it is ready before you begin. And I do need new vessels to keep my procreating yarn supplies in. This time I crocheted some baskets to keep toys in as they usually lie around the living room floor. Situation has not changed much though as the toys managed to stay in the basket during the photo session only...
Õnneks jäi materjali üle ka mõne lõngakorvi tegemiseks.
Fortunately there was left material to make some for my yarns too.
Korvidele vahelduseks tekkisid ka mõned padjakatted. Kookosnööpidega.
Few cushion covers evolved for a change aswell. With cocnut buttons.
Ja vannitoas on nagu rusikas silmaauku üks puuvillane dushiesise vaip. Tõeliselt mõnus on dushi alt tulles vaibale astuda, mis koheselt varbad kenasti kuivaks tõmbab. Lisaks ei lase ta tänu oma pitsilisusele põrandaküttel üle kuumeneda, mis käterätiku samal eesmärgil maha asetamisel muuseas juhtuda võib.
Mustri leiutasin heegeldamise käigus ise.
In the bathroom I love my cotton doily rug in front of the shower. It is just delightful to step on the soft carpet after shower that absorbs your toes nicely dry. And because of the lacy pattern it doesnt let the floor heating to overheat which can by the way happen if you put a towel on the floor for the same purpose.
The pattern I invented myself during the process.

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